Kale growers in Kerala

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Kale growers in Kerala

Kale growers in Kerala, India.
1.Curly Kale
“Kale” was a word unknown to 99.9 percent of Keralites until a few years back.  Kale is leafy vegetable in the cruciferous vegetable family. In 2008 we, a small group of farmers in Kerala tried to grow this for the first time in India.  Our trials were not smooth sailing like any other venture. But we never lost the spirit. We kept our vision of growing them in India. We kept our mission of work smart. Try and try again until we succeed was our goal.   There were pessimists who discouraged us that this is a cold weather plant, mainly grown in Europe, Russia  and North America, it may not grow in Kerala, tropical climate. But we did not lose our spirit, determination and passion.  We tried with many ways, and finally started growing them successfully, perhaps for the first time in India in Kurathicadu, Mavelikara, Kerala  in 2008.
After the first year of growing we started growing them in Trichur, Trivandrum,  Kanthallor ( Toppans garden) Munnar in a large scale, in addition to Kurathikadu . Now many people are showing interest in growing them.
Why Kale ? Why in Kerala? Why in India?
Kale grown in Munnar Kanthalloor-Toppans garden
Kale is called “super food of tomorrow” “king of leafy vegetables” “Top scorer in nutrient index”, “queen of leafy greens” and “a nutrition power house”. In his book “End of Diabetes” Dr Joel Fuhrman ranks Kale as the top scorer of 1000 in Aggregate Nutrient Index ( ANDI).
Click here to see the  ANDI index
Kale on terrace- Kurathikadu Mavelikara
2. Lacianto kale
Kerala is called the diabetes capital of India, and cancer capital of India mainly due to malnutrition. We got plenty food, it contains mainly starch, trans-fats and calories with very few nutrients. Healthy food means nutrient content, not the calorie content. We are “overfed”, but “undernourished”.   Our experience has shown that kale is easy to grow vegetable full of almost all nutrients. Moreover nutrients in kale are easily absorbed by the body. It is our responsibility to educate, and encourage people to grow poison less vegetable  for a healthy community. Read blog – Kale the King of leafy vegetables.
Kale in Thoppans garden , Kanthalllor,Munnar Idukki year 2016
 Popular  types of Kale .
 1.Curly Kale
2.Lacianto Kale
3.Red Russian kale
4.Redbor Kale
Where do you get kale seeds?
The seed is like mustard. A little care is required in the early stage of growing, but once is grown we have seen that plant has lasted for more than five years.
We used to give seeds free of charge whenever it was available. Now it is available  in the following site. Ask for edible kale  seed not decorative kale.  
Terrace garden Trivandrum

How to propagate in India
In India our experience shows that it won’t grow flowers annually. The plant survives for more than five years. The stem or branch cutting can be used for propagation. Air-layering too can be done.

For further help  Read the following Videos URL

Karshakan face book URL

How to make potting soil- micro gardener

Grown in bag TG  in Trichur

How to make potting soil for container gardening


How to make DIY potting mix


Grow Kale in containers.

Kale , Thoppans garden Kanthallor Munnar Year 2016

How to grow veg in pots.

Container gardening


3. Red Russian

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