Healthy smoothie to prevent cancer and diabetis

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Healthy smoothie to prevent cancer and diabetis

Healthy Smoothie
Additives, goodies.
1 Liquid (2 cups) : water, coconut milk, coconut water, milk, almond milk, soy milk.
2 Greens: (2-4 handfuls) Kale, spinach, Swiss chard, mint, bok Choy.
3.Fruits( savory)( 2 cups):  oranges, mangoes, pine apple, jambakai,
grapes, peaches, cherries, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry.
4.Non savory Fruit 2: apples, peaches ( 1 each)
1. Creamy fruit (1 each): banana, avocado
2 Fat (2 TBSP): flaxseeds or flax oil, nuts, seeds, coconut oil or mil, nut butters.
3. Spices (1TSP): cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, lemon, lime, vanilla
1 Sweet: (Optional – not necessary) Sweetener (not white sugar) honey, dates, extra banana.
Try to keep one from each group. Blend them together. Enjoy this healthy recipe.  Add ice cubes if required.
You can make a simple recipe if you add one item or any other available items similar to it in the list. Essentials are base 1,2,3, and flavouring 1,2,3. Base items like liquid, little green, a savory fruit,  a non savory  fruit,  creamy fruit, little fat  and additives if required will make a wonderful  smoothie. Try to simplify by using  one kind or at the most two s from each group. Additives are non essential.



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