Tropical Viticulture - Grapevine Cultivation In Tropical Climate

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Tropical Viticulture - Grapevine Cultivation In Tropical Climate

Grape is annual plant, originated from around Caspian Sea, Armenia, and Northern Persian. Grapevines are widely cultivated plant especially in Europe.
In Indonesia, grapevines are brought by Dutch colonial in the past. This as intro purposes only, this article will not explain about, where it came from, haha....

Grapevine start to fruiting.

Explanation here, are about, basics in cultivation of grapevine, in tropical lowland areas.
Grapevines are actually not so hard to planted or cultivated in the tropics, but there is few things, that need little bit special care. Grapevine does not like water logged soil, especially if there are rain, grapevine likes porous soils that are well aerated and crumble easily. Sandy soils are grapevine preferred soil. Example of good soils for cultivation of grapevines is, soil that not sticky to hand if touched when wet.

Grapevines is a plant that like full sunshine, without shades, like under big tree or around shaded areas in sides of houses.
If grapevine does not get full sunshine, photosynthesis will be inhibited, and have slow growth, and berries will have lower sugar content.

Grapevines are climber plant, so grapevines need support of trellis to have a good production, if not, berries and leaves will grow on soil surfaces and will rot easily, and grapevine will suffer from many diseases and pests.

There are two main types of grapevine support, T trellis and Pergola. Pergola type is not too suitable for wet lowland tropical area, with typical of high rainfall, just like in Maluku, Indonesia. Because pergola system will shade soil surface from sunlight, that will make disease and pests a good place to grow. But in Malang, East Java and Bali, most grapevines are cultivated with pergola system, probably because their region have drier tropical climate.

BALITJESTRO trial ground in Banjarsari, East Java, using pergola system. Courtesy of BALITJESTRO.

Pergolas also have disadvantages, especially on harvesting and pruning, because growing point of buds, are not in the lines, like when using T trellis, so every each bud, need to be trimmed carefully. And when harvesting a grapes, our hand will need to be raised up, and it is a tiresome job to do.

T Trellis system has many advantages, Sunlight will easily penetrates to soil surfaces, so beneath a grapevines will be drier, pest and diseases will reduced greatly. Pruning and harvest of grapevines become easier.
The disadvantage of T trellis system is reduction of yield, per total population of plants, on a same area. To maintain equal yield with a same equal area, populations of grapevines need to be increased if compared with pergola system.

T trellis system used here are Guyot’s Single Curtain(GSC) and Guyot’s Double Curtains(GDC).
The differences are on GSC, grapevines will produce less yield of berries compared to GDC, but are easily managed, and if there is problem with trellising, it will be easier to repair than GDC system. But population of grapevine per equal area, are increased compared to GDC, to make same yield.

Materials used to make post for trellis can be steel, galvanized pipe, or life plants, like Gliricidia spp., the last one was the only reasonable materials, to be used for Indonesian and any others developing countries grape farmers with low capital. Using a steel pipe to make trellis, are expensive. As long as a life plants, are routinely pruned, it will be a good trellis post, without reducing sunlight penetration to grapevines.

Heights of trellis post, need to be a arranged so, the rope that will be used as vine climbing places, are little less taller than the shoulders of a person, so the harvest and pruning of grapevine will be easy.

Guyot Double Curtain.

Guyot Single Curtain.
Because GDC need more spaces per vine, compared to GSC, planting distances between row of grapevine need to be 1 meter wider.
Typical planting spacing for GSC is between 2-2.5 meters between vines, and 2.5-3 meters between rows.
And in the GDC is 2-2.5 meters between vines, and 3-3.5 meters, between grapevines rows.

Planting configuration.

Good practices, if grapevines planting row, are aligned in east-west position, so sunlight can enter a passages between rows. Grapevines rows are crucial and important, not just about, fertility, yield, pests and diseases, but also about beauty.
French call it ‘terroir’, and remember, grapes are all about beautiful things.

The steep slope, soil quality, and influence of the nearby Mosel river distinguish the terroir of this German wine region. -

Grapevines are usually grows from cutting in Indonesia. Woody stem, that free of diseases and pests, and have minimum of 3 buds, with pencil-like diameter, are typical cut and planted on raised beds, or in polybags. After 2-3 months and with minimum 50-70 cm of heights, grapevine seedlings are transplanted to prepared planting site.

Planting holes are dug up around 50 cm deep, hole surface area adjusted so grapevine seedling will fit nice. Put around 1-5 kg of compost, and 100 grams of NPK fertilizer, mix with soils, then spread another fertilizer-free soils on top of it, before plant a grapevines seedling, to avoid direct contact between grapevine roots and fertilized soils, to reduce the likelihood of seedling death, that cause by fertilizer burn.

Newly planted grapevines seedling, temporary guide post, loosely tied.

After grapevines seedlings has been transplanted, it need to be watered, if soils surround it are dry, and put temporary a guidance post, and loosely tied, so it will grow straight up.
Let only 1 branch grows, to become a good main trunk. Remove another water sucker that grows from every internodes, so grapevine will have only one main trunk that grow straight up, with no branching.
When grapevines main trunk growth almost near climbing wire or rope, keep 4 bud growth from top, for GSC system, and 8 bud growth for GDC system.

If main trunk growth already pass the wire or rope, then top-most bud need to be removed, to allow buds below it(4 for GSC, 8 for GDC), to grow to side to become branch(cordon). Pick 2 best branches for GSC and 4 best branches for GDC, to become main cordons, and trained to wire or rope. Remove another unused or weak branch and other water suckers. The cordon will grow, and eventually will have multiple branching every internodes that is called cane or tertiary branch, that will produce grape berries.

Grapevines with GDC system after pruned.

In tropical areas like in Indonesia, grapevines will start to bear fruits, at around 7 – 13 months.
Grapevine will not bear fruits, if not pruned, because pruning will replace autumn seasons in subtropics and temperate climate area,

Good time to prune grapevine, is in early dry seasons. If there is no rain for at least 10 days, soils will dry, and grapevine will start to stress from water deficit. Pruning and watered enough, after a few days, new buds will start to swell and grow to fruit bearing branch, marked with flower that also came out of new young branch.

Bud grows after being pruned, flower blossom.

Grapevine are need to be fertilized with 100 grams of NPK fertilizer once a month, side-dressed to soils, 30-50 cm from main trunk, to have better and vigorous growth.
Another fertilizer are given at 3 days before pruning, side-dressed, but not watered, until finished pruning.

NPK fertilizer that used, can be 16-16-16, or 15-15-15, or any NPK fertilizer, but it is good if that fertilizers, contains sulfur, because grapevines need sulfur, other than usual, especially if planted on calcearous soils, with high pH.

Tips :
-Grapevine is annual plant, in United States, there are report that, grapevines productivity ages are usually around 35 years, so grapevines are good investments.
-Grapevines in Indonesia can bear fruit 2 times in a year, because there are no winter, even in Thailand and India, there are report, that grapevines can be made to fruiting 3 times, in a year, in area that have dry tropical climate.
-Expert from wine producing countries says, best grape come from grapevines that grown on marginal soils, or not too fertile, even a little bit poor soils.
-Grapevine is a plant that have intensive and deep root area, so mature grapevines, irrigation are only required at a very hot and dry times, and when pruning to saturate root area with water, to promote flowering.

Young buds, with unopened flowers.

Grape berries ready for pick.

First harvest...

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