Tropical Viticulture - Methods of Grapevine Side Graft In Indonesia

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Tropical Viticulture - Methods of Grapevine Side Graft In Indonesia

Grafting is one from many methods to reproduce grapevine vegetatively, another methods are bud grafting (budding), layering, and the most common method, cutting.

Purposes for grafting grapevines are :  

-produce vines that have good vigor
-higher yield
-resistance to many root disease, especially phyloxera
-produce multiple variety of grape from single grapevine rootstock
-better adaptability to local climate
-reduce time for grapevines to set fruits

In Indonesia, most grapevines are grown from cutting, there are seldom from grafting. Probably in Indonesia there are few or no incidence from phyloxera attack, because Indonesia hot and humid tropical climate.

But there are cases, where grafting need to be applied to grapevine, example are : 

-Speed up fruit setting on grapevines that cultivated from seed(generatively).  Grapevines that grown from seed, has juvenile times between 4-7 years, before start to bear fruit. But for scientific purposes, where it needed to make grapevines to bear fruits faster, the old and already fruiting grapevine can be a rootstock to graft juvenile grapevine on it. With this way, juvenile times in grapevines can be cut 2 to 3 years.

-Most of European grapevines or Vitis vinifera, had a poor vigor in tropical climate like in Indonesia, if compared to American variety, Vitis labrusca. Labrusca also has intensive root system, and grow quickly. But vinifera taste better, sweeter, and its size and quality are good, so grafting vinifera to labrusca rootstock is a good thing to do.

-Cultivation of one grapevine type, but produce multiple type of grape berries from many variety. With grafting multiple varieties on one grapevine variety, grapevine will produce multiple berries type from single grapevine plant, without need to plant many grapevines variety this is useful for decorative plant, or on larger scales, to provide market with multiple types of grapes, from single vineyard.

Scion must come from fruit bearing grapevines, and has been confirmed it is desirable quality of plant and berries, and also free from disease and pest. Exception is for scientific purpose, to speed up juvenile time, where berries and plant quality are unknown, where scion is from young plant that grown from seed, and rootstock from fruit bearing vine, and have large trunk.
Grapevine stems that will be used as scion, should not to large in diameter. Size as a small mineral water straw, usually sufficient, as long, size of scion diameter must always be smaller from rootstock diameter.   

Vitis vinifera, as scion source, with small diameter stems.

Rootstock is usually from Vitis labrusca and its hybrid, because labrusca or American grapevines have better resistance against pest and diseases, than its European counterparts. Another reason to use labrusca in tropics like Indonesia, because it have better performance in hot humid weather and have better vigor, because its extensive root system. Labrusca also have better responses to artificial fertilizers.

Rootstocks are grown from cutting of large diameter grapevine stem cutting, with 1 cm minimum diameter, or as size of adult index finger. Rootstock must also be free from diseases and pests, especially from root disease. Cutting is first grown on plastic bag filled with soil, compost, and sands, for at least a month old.
On grapevine cultivation, it is seldom to find grafting with rootstock that originated from seeds, because growing grapevine rootstock from seed need lot of time, especially in the tropics, like in Indonesia, where grapevine are non natives plant.

Vitis labrusca seedling, a month old, ready to graft.

Standard equipments like plastic ropes, secateur, and a sharp knife (grafting knife is preferred). All metal equipments need to be sterilized with bleach or sodium hypochlorite first, then washed with hot water, dried with clean tissue paper. Before doing any grafting process, hands also need to be washed.
Basic equipment for grafting purposes.

Grapevine stems grafting need to be done quickly, to prevent drying of scion and rootstock cut surfaces. Leaves from stems that will be used as scion need to be removed first, but do not cut to pieces, before ready to graft. Grafting surfaces and others equipment need to be keep clean and free from dusts and soils particle.  
Stems that will be cut to scion pieces, without leaves,

If ready to graft, cut the stems that will be used as scion, with minimum of 3 buds for each scions. And make a clean cut with pointed downward, after that, make a small cut on soft surfaces part of rootstock, as long as scion pointed length, and insert scion into rootstock cut surface.

Grapevine grafting process

Arranged so side parts or phloem of scion and rootstock will meet up together. Then tied it with plastic rope, bottom up, but not too tight, but enough to put slight pressure to grafting joint.
align phloem between scions and rootstock, and tied with plastic rope, bottom up.
2 or more scion can be grafted on a rootstock, to increase overall success rate of grafting process.
2 scions on a rootstock, to increase overall success rate.

After complete grafting process, grapevine seedling need to be stored away from direct sunlight, or in a shade places, not too hot and damp, like under a tree.

Grafted grapevine seedlings, under a shaded place.
Grafted grapevine seedling need to be watered if soil around it start to dry. If in 2-3 weeks scion still looked fresh and not rot or dry, then grafting process successful.
After successful grafting, and if shoot is not grow yet, then rootstock green top parts need to be trimmed a bit, around 1/3 from  top, to grow buds from grafted scion.
If scion already grow with length more than 5 cm, then rootstock upper parts can be removed totally to allow faster scions shoot grow.  

Successful grafted grapevine seedling, vinifera on labrusca.

Success rate of grafting are influenced by many things, like environments, equipments cleanness, and good alignment between scions and rootstock phloem.
Avoid grafting under direct sunlight, best times to graft are on late afternoon.
Do not graft under rainy days, because scions and rootstock will rot easily.

Have a nice try...

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